A recording of this presentation is available HERE.
Many thanks to Dr. Andrew Brown, who gave an excellent Grand Rounds presentation this week on Integrative Approach to Anxiety and Depression. Anyone in primary care knows that we do a lot of management of psychiatric disorders in the primary care setting, often with very little specialty support. Many patients are interested in pursuing not just standard medical therapy (SSRI + cognitive behavioral therapy), but also integrative modalities.
Dr. Brown laid out the evidence for a wide range of non-pharmaceutical and non-psychotherapy treatments for anxiety and depression. The bottom line is that there are many, many, many integrative options with a range of small to moderate to strong evidence for the management of anxiety/depression. Put your seatbelts on. And don't use too many at once!
Integrative modalities, for the purpose of this talk include
- lifestyle/behavioral
- nutrition
- supplements and
- physical practices
Exercise works! The USPSTF recommends 2.5 hours/week of aerobic exercise for overall improved health. And good news, exercise can improved depression! Some exercise modalities may be better than others, including: include walking/jogging/yoga/strength training. The more "intense" the better. However, in a 2023 review article, ANY regular exercise, regardless of type, setting, or supervision decreased depression scores by 5-7 points.
There is not much evidence for exercise in anxiety, with a different review paper finding a benefit of exercise for anxiety in 7 of 25 studies and no benefit in the remaining 18.
It should come as no surprise that substance use and substance use disorders are frequent comorbidities with anxiety and depression. Note in the chart below:
- 16% of people with anxiety disorder also have SUD
- 16% of people with an adjustment disorder also have SUD
- 16% of people with depression also have SUD
- Kava Kava (Piper methysticum): 50-70mg TID, mixed evidence, some concern for hepatoxicity
- St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum): strong evidence in depression, 500-1800mg/day. A 2017 Meta-analysis found it to be equivalent to SSRIs (of note, not safe to take at same time as SSRIs)
- Saffron (Crocus sativus): 30-200mg/day, strong evidence for depression and anxiety, $$ cost can be an issue, also concerns regarding first trimester SAB in early pregnancy
- Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): "a few drops", moderate evidence, compared to lorazepam in a trial of preoperative patients was found to be "equivalent". SE: gynecomastia
- Vitamin D: stronger evidence in depression (than anxiety)
- B Complex, found in dark/green/leafy veggies, may be good adjunct
- Zinc: dose response benefit in depression and anxiety
- Magnesium: strong evidence as either monotherapy OR adjunct, depression more than anxiety, change of 4 points on GAD7 or PHQ9, so may be good choice for mild-mod depression/anxiety
- Acupuncture: 2024 Meta-analysis found that acupuncture was BETTER than SSRIs for depression, particularly if electro-acupuncture techniques are used. Most studies indicate that a combination of SSRI and acupuncture decreases rates of remission. There is less evidence for acupuncture in anxiety.
- Acupressure: no evidence for durable benefit, but may be good for episodic symptoms (and can be self-done)
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation: strong evidence in pre-procedural anxiety and symptoms report for patients. There are a wide range of muscle relaxation techniques, many can be taught in just a few minutes in the office setting
- Breathwork: Once again, there are many different breath practices. Two easy ones to teach in the office are: Box, 4-7-8 (see images below). Both have been shown to help with symptom management
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